04639-266616 | rmpcsipskrmcedn@yahoo.co.in


R.M.P.C.S.I.P.S.K. Rajaratnam Memorial College of Education has shaped its own help advisory group to address any offense or complaints with strict corrective activities which will be at standard with those issued in the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 distributed in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, PART II-Section 1 under the Legislative Department of Ministry of Law and Justice. This committee strives to solve any sort of issues that student teachers as well as faculties may encounter during their academic and non-academic activities.


➤ Prohibition of any harassment practiced in view of sex imbalance that forbids scholastic development.

➤ Protection of the basic rights of women.

➤ Help ladies with realizing their rights of Freedom.

➤ Observe improper behaviour as an offense.

➤ Protect the person who is exploited.

S.NO Name Position Contact No
1 Dr.R.Subitha Convener 9629848118
2 Dr.J.Jebaselvi Member 9944214745
3 Mrs.C.Suganthi Member 9489118533
4 Mr.J.Darles ponrajakumar Member 8870594255